Woodstock Whispers Podcast

Woodstock Whispers Ep. 4: A discussion with some of the members of the Woodstock Board

Season 1 Episode 4

Another great conversation with Woodstockers - this time we speak to four members of the current board:  Alex Lucas, Mary Schone, Tim McGrath and Ivo Jaquez.   We kick around some of the history of the Board, some of the topics the Board is currently involved in, and why the members of the Board - well, why they are members of the Board and what it means to them.  

... we even have a little bit of Woodstock music in this episode!!

As we "run up" to the 100th reunion in 2022, we are looking to capture (and re-capture) conversations with Woodstockers over the ages to hear what's changed, what has stayed the same, what memories people have and how Woodstock impacted their lives.   Let us know if you have a story to share with the Woodstock community!

Interested in getting involved with the planning for the 100th?  Let us know how we can contact you here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSecpakUkOWDCCHSrt7LeKxMNymUnJJlOeQPZprBaT6HNACCmA/viewform?c=0&w=1 or drop Mary S. a note:  mary.schone@gmail.com 

Have a show idea for us?  Want to be on the 'cast?  Reach out to us at georgezack@gmail.com.