Woodstock Whispers Podcast

Woodstock Whispers Ep 14: a conversation with Johnny and Jim Holcombe

Season 1 Episode 14

Woodstock alumni Ken Langford  brings us another gem of oral history.  He recently held and captured a conversation with Johnny and Jim Holcombe.  It  provides incredible views as to what camp was like decades ago, including insights on prior camp directors, bathing in the lake, where chapel was ... a great "capture" of what Woodstock was like in yesteryear.

Registration for the 100th anniversary of Woodstock is now open!  https://www.campwoodstock.org/alumni/register-for-the-100-year-celebration-weekend/

Remember as we "run up" to the 100th reunion in 2022, we are looking to capture conversations with Woodstockers over the ages to hear what's changed, what has stayed the same, what memories people have and how Woodstock impacted their lives.   Let us know if you have a story to share with the Woodstock community!

If you are interested in connecting with other Woodstockers and staying informed about the run up to the 100th - register with us at:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSecpakUkOWDCCHSrt7LeKxMNymUnJJlOeQPZprBaT6HNACCmA/viewform?c=0&w=1